Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Pattern Designs for Beginners

Ron Hoekstra
3 min readJan 5, 2023
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

To help you get started with pattern design, here are a few tips and tricks that can make the process easier.

Is Adobe Illustrator the right tool to make pattern designs?

Adobe Illustrator is an ideal tool for creating and editing vector-based artwork, and its powerful features make it well-suited to creating pattern designs. However, Photoshop is preferable if you want a more realistic appearance. Photoshop files are raster files, and cannot be scaled without losing quality.

What are vector-based designs?

Vector-based designs are digital images created from mathematical equations instead of a grid of pixels. Vector-based designs are ideal for logos and icons because they can be scaled to any size without losing quality, unlike raster-based images.

Should my pattern designs be vector or raster?

Whether your pattern designs should be vector or raster depends on the purpose of your design. Vector-based designs are often the best choice for logos, icons, and other design elements that need to be used in different sizes.

How do I sell my pattern designs?

If you are looking to sell your pattern designs, one of the best ways to do this is to create an online portfolio and promote it through social media. You can also start a YouTube channel or a blog. Blogs are a great way to build a more long-term brand. Your blog can be used as a portfolio and to build a following. You can share tips and tricks, and new things you have learned, and offer freebies of paid products, like PNG, vectors, or PSD files.

Why would you want to offer freebies?

Offering freebies is a great way to build an audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field. When offering freebies, make sure people have left their email addresses. That way, you can build an email list and notify people when you release new products.

Do people still buy pattern designs?

Yes, people still buy pattern designs, but offering freebies is a great way to encourage people to become familiar with your work and perhaps even purchase other items from you. Pattern designs are still widely used in packaging and clothing (textiles).

Can anyone become a pattern designer?

Theoretically, yes, you can follow free tutorials online and learn how to use tools like Adobe Photoshop or Inkscape. As soon as you are familiar with these tools, you have a high chance of becoming a pattern designer. The next step is to find inspiration and make your first pattern design. As with many other professions, it is a good idea to practice a lot and develop your own signature style. This means that you need to be creative, experiment with different shapes and colors, and use your own imagination.

Is it hard to learn pattern-making?

Although it is not an easy skill to learn, pattern-making can be mastered with enough practice and dedication. To become proficient in pattern making, it is important to practice as much as possible, use one’s imagination and creativity to experiment with different shapes and colors and try to develop a signature style.




Ron Hoekstra

I am a online entrepreneur, with the focus on helping others succeed, and grow their businesses.